Marriage: 5 steps to be perfect like Meghan Markle on D-Day


If you’re getting married soon, you might be wondering how to be perfect on D-Day. Since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, her resplendent complexion has enough to scare future brides. Do not panic ! Stylight is here to make you see more clearly in this special beauty routine.

No more stress! We explain to you in 5 easy steps how to prepare your face for your wedding.

5 to 3 months before the wedding: deep care

Needless to say, we don’t have fun fiddling with our skin on D-5 before the wedding if we want to avoid pigmentation, marks or bad reactions. Between 5 and 3 months before the ceremony, we make an appointment with our dermatologist and we program abrasion, peeling and laser treatment to erase the various scars. Your dermatologist can also help you take a skin check-up and guide you to be on top of the game on D-Day!

2 months before the wedding: moisturize

Whether you are a fan of hydration or neglect your skin, it will take extra effort a few weeks before the ceremony. The reason ? Hydrated, plump skin is naturally brighter and makeup holds on much better.

To properly hydrate your skin, it starts from the inside: drink 2 liters of water a day , eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and reduce foods that are too salty and industrial.

We then opt morning and evening for the most plumping local treatments. On the program: spray, serum and moisturizer . Choose ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or royal jelly for a tenfold boost!

1 month before the wedding: healthy glow operation

For a radiant complexion, we also go through the sun box. Adept of UV, creams or self-tanning showers, we are talking to you! No need to burn your skin or to coat yourself until it turns orange. We only want to brown the skin if we are very white or even the tan if we already have one. Taking it in advance is useful to correct the shot in the event of a dosage error (especially if you apply your self-tanning cream incorrectly!).

Do you already have dark or dark skin? Good news, all you have to do is maintain its radiance by performing one exfoliation per week and deeply moisturizing.

1 week before the wedding: absolute relaxation

The pressure is building and it must be brought down before the horrible signs of anxiety arrive: pimples. Go to the spa or hammam for an in-depth scrub, a steam bath and a moment with friends. On the diet side, we continue to purge our body with water or draining infusions. Avoid any food that promotes acne breakouts such as sugar, cheese or cold meats.

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