Is Bamboo Clothing Truly Sustainable?


Bamboo clothing has been around for many decades but over the last couple of years, it has gained massive popularity. It could be because these garments are marketed as environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional wool, cotton, and polyester fabrics.

Some attributes of bamboo are low water usage, fast growth, and biodegradability. But the question is, are bamboo clothes truly sustainable? Let’s find out in this article as we discuss bamboo plants and clothing in detail, including its pros & cons, manufacturing process, environmental impact, and ethical concerns.

So, without wasting more time let’s get started!

Bamboo plant

Bamboo, a fast-growing grass species, is eco-friendly due to its rapid growth rate and lack of pesticides or fertilizers. It can be harvested more frequently than cotton or wood-based fabrics, and its root system naturally regenerates after harvest, reducing soil erosion and reducing the need for replanting.

Bamboo, a water-efficient crop, is popular in regions with water conservation concerns due to its lower water usage than cotton. Bamboo sequesters carbon, contributing to carbon reduction by absorbing up to 35% more CO2 than trees, demonstrating its effectiveness in carbon sequestration.

The pros and cons of bamboo clothing

While bamboo clothing offers numerous benefits over traditional fabrics such as cotton or polyester, it also comes with its own share of challenges that consumers should pay attention to. Here are the pros and cons of bamboo clothing:


1. Soft and comfortable

One of the most significant pros of bamboo clothing is its softness, making it very comfortable to wear. Because of its silky texture, it is perfect for delicate skin and adds a luxurious touch to loungewear, everyday clothes, and even bedding.

2. It has hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties.

Bamboo cloth is resistant to microorganisms that cause odors since bamboo fibers naturally have antibacterial qualities. People with allergies or skin sensitivities can use bamboo because it is hypoallergenic and less likely to irritate the skin.

3. Is biodegradable

Bamboo fabric is biodegradable, meaning it will decompose naturally over time if handled properly and not combined with synthetic materials. Compared to synthetic textiles like polyester, which can take hundreds of years to degrade, this lessens the impact on landfills.

4. Very breathable

Bamboo clothing is renowned for being breathable, which aids in controlling body temperature. It keeps you cool and dry in hot weather by wicking moisture away from the skin. Because of this, it is a great option for hot regions, undergarments, and activewear.


1. Chemical processing

Bamboo clothing faces environmental issues due to harmful chemical processes that produce viscose, causing pollution. While some manufacturers use sustainable closed-loop systems, this is not a standard practice throughout the industry.

2. Energy-intensive process

Some of the environmental advantages of bamboo’s minimal water and pesticide requirements are countered by the energy-intensive process of turning it into viscose. This energy demand increases the entire environmental effect of bamboo garments.

3. Cost

Because of sustainable harvesting and processing expenses, bamboo clothing is often more costly than cotton or synthetic substitutes. Because of their labor-intensive production processes, bamboo fabrics that have undergone mechanical processing, like bamboo linen, are even more expensive.

Bamboo clothing manufacturing process

Bamboo which is a sustainable raw material, undergoes processing and turning into textiles through mechanical and chemical methods. The two main bamboo clothing manufacturing processes include:

  • Mechanical process [bamboo linen]

Mechanical processing involves crushing and breaking down bamboo stalks into fibers, producing eco-friendly yarn without harmful chemicals, similar to linen production from flax. Bamboo linen, a niche product in bamboo textiles, represents a small fraction of the market due to its labor-intensive and costly production process.

  • Chemical processing [Bamboo viscose/ rayon]

Bamboo viscose or rayon is the main chemical product for bulk bamboo clothes. This method uses harsh chemicals like carbon disulfide and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) to break down bamboo into a pulp. After the pulp is dissolved, a viscous solution is produced and pushed through spinnerets to produce fibers. Fabric is created by spinning these fibers into threads.

Although Bamboo viscose is a soft, breathable material, it is produced using chemicals that can cause environmental and health concerns. Proper management of these chemicals can prevent water pollution and health risks. The energy-intensive process can negate the ecological benefits of bamboo. Some manufacturers use closed-loop systems, capturing and reusing chemicals, but not all adhere to this sustainable approach.

Is bamboo clothing degradable?

Bamboo clothing is considered eco-friendly due to its biodegradability, as it decomposes over time. However, the biodegradability depends on the processing method. Mechanically produced bamboo linen biodegrade more easily, while chemically processed bamboo viscose may have residual chemicals. Blending bamboo with non-biodegradable materials reduces its environmental benefits.

Ethical concerns in bamboo clothing production

The bamboo clothing industry raises environmental and ethical concerns regarding labor practices, factory conditions, and transparency. The use of harmful chemicals, like carbon disulfide, can cause serious health issues.

Bamboo clothing, a staple in the textile industry, often faces labor issues such as low wages and unsafe working conditions due to its production in countries with lower labor standards.

Sustainability certifications, such as OEKO-TEX Standard 100 and GOTS, ensure textiles are free from harmful substances, promoting ethical and sustainable practices in the textile industry. Unfortunately, not all bamboo clothing is certified.

Wrapping up – is bamboo clothing really sustainable?

Is bamboo clothing sustainable, then? By now, you can answer this question conclusively. Indeed, bamboo is a particularly regenerative and sustainable raw material. However, that doesn’t mean bamboo clothing is any more environmentally friendly.

Ultimately, how “green” bamboo clothing is made depends solely on the production method. Bamboo clothing is typically produced using chemical procedures involving toxic and hazardous materials. However, by employing mechanical techniques, bamboo clothing may be made in a sustainable manner. Bamboo textiles are used in clothing by several firms that are incredibly successful in sustainability. The next time you’re looking for eco-friendly clothing made from bamboo, consider where the bamboo came from and how the clothing was produced.

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